Eczema flare-ups are caused by several factors.
Until sufferers are able to determine and avoid their trigger factors, itching
and painful rashes will always be an issue. Luckily, medical professionals have
developed a list of common trigger factors. These factors, a few of which are
outlined below, may be the cause of your uncontrollable scratching.
Trigger Factor #1 - Skin Irritants
The phrase "skin irritants," cover a wide range of items. Basically,
anything unnatural that comes in close contact to the skin has the potential to
be a skin irritant. Common examples include laundry detergent, scented lotions,
makeup, perfume, and wool clothes. If you feel the urge to itch not long after
putting on your clothes or undergoing your daily routine, skin irritants may be
your eczema cause. To determine if so, make the switch. If you itch while
wearing wool, opt for cotton clothes instead. If your hands and face itch after
applying makeup, go without for a few days to look for an improvement. If you
suspect your laundry detergent is to blame, opt for a low or free chemical
detergent instead.
you make the necessary changes and no longer feel the need to itch, you have
not only determined your eczema trigger factor, but learned how to successful
avoid another outbreak.
Trigger Factor #2 - Food
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine if food is the cause of your
eczema outbreaks. Most experts turn to food when no other cause is found.
Although any food in your diet can lead to the uncontrollable urge to itch,
there are some common food trigger factors. Milk, wheat, seafood, eggs, and
peanuts are usually to blame. If you notice an itching outbreak following the
consumption of these foods, begin eliminating them from your diet.
you believe a certain food causes your eczema outbreaks, eliminate it from your
diet. This can be difficult if it is a favorite of yours, but think of the long
term benefits. No more uncontrollable itching that leads to open wounds,
decreasing the risk of skin infections.
Trigger Factor #3 - Allergens
Whether indoor or outdoors, air-borne allergens are present. They are a common
cause of eczema outbreaks. A patient who finds themselves scratching away at
their skin may have just dusted or vacuumed their home. The itching is due to
the skin contact made by the dust. Mold and dander from pets are other common
causes too. If you suspect these cause your eczema flare-ups, eliminate them as
an issue. If dust is the problem, don't avoid dusting or vacuuming your home.
Instead, wear long clothing and protective gear when doing so. Overcoming
eczema means addressing the causes and working around them.
above mentioned eczema trigger factors are some of the most common reasons for
the uncontrollable urge to itch.
Also Read: You Have Eczema: Now What?
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